
I am an engaged and student-focused philosophy teacher. I, like many, think of philosophy as an activity best done in collaboration and connection with others, rather than as a set of ordered facts or theories to be taken up and operationalized in isolation. This activity is best characterized as an ongoing process of dialogue between interlocutors about those things which are fundamental to our lives. My central aim in teaching philosophy, then, is to bring my students into this conversation, making the activity of doing philosophy as accessible and engaging as possible, and sharing with them the value of Socrates’ prescription to live a life examined. This, of course, involves challenging some of our most basic suppositions about the world in a systematic and rigorous fashion, developing a coherent (and ideally consistent) set of values and beliefs, and engaging in deliberation on how best to live up to these ideals—both as individuals with our own lives and pursuits, and in our more public relations with others. These goals suffuse and inform my approach to pedagogy not only in the classroom, but in my public work and research projects as well.


  • Fall 2025, DePauw University

    This course begins with the foundations of classical political philosophy in ancient Greece and traces the development of key ideas about justice, freedom, and governance through subsequent eras. Building on these historical underpinnings, we’ll explore the advent of political liberalism and consider how social contract theories, conceptions of individual rights, and various critiques of these ideas—from communitarian, anarchist, feminist, and critical race perspectives—have reshaped our understanding of politics. The course also investigates radical democratic alternatives to liberalism that propose new methods of collective decision-making, as well as epistocratic critiques that question whether political power should be allocated based on knowledge or expertise. By closely examining political liberalism and its critics, students will gain a richer perspective on how classical political philosophy both informs and is challenged by contemporary debates.

  • Spring 2025, DePauw University

    This course will provide extended engagement with both the theory and practice of engaging children in philosophical discussion. Topically, students will explore issues in traditional areas of philosophy such as ethics, metaphysics, and epistemology, as well as more specific questions about the philosophical and developmental nature of childhood and the purposes of education. This theoretical work will be supplemented with the development of age-appropriate pedagogies for introducing philosophical ideas to young people through children’s literature. Students will apply their work outside the classroom by leading and facilitating periodic discussion workshops with local children in grades 3-5 at Greencastle’s Tzounakis Intermediate School.

    Syllabus | Sample Lesson Plan for Site Visit

  • Fall 2024, DePauw University

    This course provides an introductory exploration of ethical theory via extended engagement with both influential thinkers from the history of moral philosophy and cutting-edge recent work in normative ethics. Throughout the course, we will focus on questions about the nature of the good life, moral status, and our moral obligations to ourselves and others. We’ll begin with a primer on moral reasoning, developing a useful ‘toolkit’ of various values and methods employed by moral philosophers. Then, we’ll examine normative theories of the good life as advanced by classical thinkers like Plato, Aristotle, John Stuart Mill, and Immanuel Kant, as well as some of their more recent methodological counterparts. We’ll end our term with an exploration of some normative problems and prospects currently being grappled with by moral philosophers.

    Syllabus | Sample Activity

  • Fall 2023, Elon University

    The namesake question of this course invites us to think carefully together about what it means to live well. This semester, we will frame this perennial question using our own moral and political context—as citizens of a democratic society comprised of putative equals—as the central lens. While America’s experiment with a democratic form of government has been around for a while, recent events like the COVID-19 pandemic and a moral reckoning around questions of identity and belonging have strained the commitments around which we organize our lives, heightening the stakes of fundamental disagreements about values, norms, and the nature of democracy itself. In this course, we will delve into those core moral and political questions which arise around the project of not only living well, but living well together. The namesake question of this course invites us to think carefully together about what it means to live well. This semester, we will frame this perennial question using our own moral and political context—as citizens of a democratic society comprised of putative equals—as the central lens. While America’s experiment with a democratic form of government has been around for a while, recent events like the COVID-19 pandemic and a moral reckoning around questions of identity and belonging have strained the commitments around which we organize our lives, heightening the stakes of fundamental disagreements about values, norms, and the nature of democracy itself. In this course, we will delve into those core moral and political questions which arise around the project of not only living well, but living well together. 

    Syllabus | Sample Activity


DePauw student, Fall 2024

I learned a lot about philosophical and ethical ideas and arguments that I'd never been exposed to before. I really enjoyed talking about new things, as the class was very discussion intensive and interactive.

DePauw student, Fall 2024

[The course] presented a large amount of new material to us in the relatively condensed span of one semester. Getting beyond-surface-level engagement with a wide array of philosophers and their ideas made approaching ethics from a philosophical standpoint easier than otherwise, and honestly fun.

Elon student, Fall 2022

Alex is an excellent professor, and is super enthusiastic. He is an excellent teacher in both philosophy and general. He is able to explain topics in a formalized, academic sense, while using more casual and informal language and analogies both humorously and to further convey his points. Likewise, he engages with students personally, and is able to connect even classical philosophy to our daily lives and perspectives.

DePauw student, Fall 2024

[Alex's] feedback was extremely helpful, both on written assignments and other contributions. He told us what we did well but also what we could improve on for the next assignments and more generally. Very clear, concise, and intentional.

Elon student, Spring 2023

Alex always created a classroom environment that was extremely positive, fun, and enthusiastic. He continuously made each class fun and engaging. He allowed for open communication, bizarre ideas, and every student to express their ideas. I will truly miss the fun and open environment he created.

Elon student, Fall 2021

[Alex's] positivity, empathy, and understanding have encouraged a beneficial learning environment and the assignments administered gave us freedom while also fostering deep thinking.